Well all the blogs, facebook homepages and radio waves are full of top/favourite lists of 2009. So I am trying to get a headstart and laying out what I think and hope will be my 'bests' of 2010.
Best TV Show
Season 5 of 30 Rock was no doubt the funniest show of the year again but in terms of drama, excitement, dark humour, incredible writing and astounding acting it was easily Breaking Bad - Season Three.
Best Film
At the beginning of the year I was excited about a lot of films. If you asked me back in January what my favourite film would have been I would have put a large bet on Date Night starring Tina Fey, Steve Carrell as a couple who take another couples reservations...and deal with the hysterical consequences. Ruined by Mark Wahlberg. Of course I did enjoy Hot Tub Time Machine abd Toy Story 3 but the defo best of the year the rampaging atheist propaganda piece which combined the best aspects of Assualt On Precinct 13, The Mist and Prophecy to make an all action-all tension classic. I'm taking about Legion and its tale of an angry God sending his angels to wipe out humanity. Only a rogue angel and the occupants of a desert diner stoof in there way. I hope you enjoyed your 2010 at the cinema.
Best Album
Funnily enough I did not enjoy Peter Gabriel's new album and while Daft Punk score to Tron Legacy was worth the wait I am still listening to LCD Soundsystem's third album. On the surface more rockier than there previous output, I adore the disco sounds underplaying each track. A true example of the disco-punk-funk that inspired Pontiac Dream.
Best Act Of Parliament
An obvious choice but I know we were all ecstatic with the Sinn Feinn bill outlawing the advertising the comparison websites on TV. The Freedom From Comparison Act has cleared the tv channels of that meerkat, go-compare operatic Danny Baker lookalike, trolley surfing Peter Jones and of course those webcam recording faking douche-bags from confused.com.
Best Pair Of Trainers I Bought
After spending a couple of years spending 98% of their time (suedes excluded) making trainers for neds, Ferrari fans and skinny big haired students, Puma renounced this path in May with the release of the classic Puma Basket minus city themed designs, modern bulky curves and pimpled leather. Simple blacks and whites, blues and reds. I bought two pairs and they still fit like no other trainer I have ever worn.
Best Badget
Cowon's S10 media player. While the Cowon S9 was superior in terms of sound, video playback, battery life and appearance to the Ipod touch it touchscreen interface lagged way behind the almost unbelievable responsiveness of its fruit based competitor. So they released the S10 which matches and goes beyond the Ipod. The perfect player.
Best Game
Who would have thought I Spy would have been such a hit on the Wii. Me and mrs Pontiac play it each and every evening before we retire.
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