17 Feb 2009

Swearing Is Not Cool

I thought I would be smart and swear a lot when I put that Sopranos posting up. Lots F's, M's and a few C's. And what happened the internet rose up like a mighty morale avenger and said, "Do it blue, no hits for you."

I noticed last night that if you googled Pontiac Dream the blog was about 5 pages in and that reference a post from August last year. Having swelled with a little pride as I watched the blog creep to the top of google's list, it was like losing an arm, or atleast a finger.

So I have swiftly removed the language and promise that in future all posts will have one eye on popularity. And this week I will go the extra mile make sure all posts are dead.......nice.

Here is lovely, sweet and cuddley piece of pop from The Beach Boys. It is an amazing little number and is from the Surfs Up album.

The Beach Boys - Disney Girls (1957)

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