8 Mar 2010

Countdown 80 - 61

A post-oscar statuette to....george gershwin soundscapes, the pride & joy of pupkiss, mummy's boy, jazz guitar, ghosts of children, oil rage, no time for love, miserable redemption, android chaplin, snowball fury, abby normal, ten minute tears, death of a clown, illinois nazis, scab picking horror, repetitive laughs, wheat WHEAT!!, the world is ours, hell on a horse and the perfect murder.


61. Rope
62. High Plains drifter
63. La Haine
64. Love And Death
65. Groundhog Day
66. Poltergiest
67. The Blues Brothers
68. The Third Man
69. Up
70. Young Frankenstein
71. Dumb And Dumber
72. Wall-E
73. Three Colors Blue
74. Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom
75. There Will Be Blood
76. the devil's backbone
77. Sweet and Lowdown
78. psycho
79. King Of Comedy
80. Manhattan

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